Just a few word to talk about the time and the few idea that I had while looking for the van. I’ve been thinking about buying a van for few years now, i was waiting the right time and the motivation. And it came just at the beginning of summer, and i had a crazy summer so no time to look before october. What a wrong time ! but i seriously start looking for it and saw alot of different models. One of my first thought was buying an old horses van, it would have space, alot, probably wouldn’t be so expensive and would probably have a great engine. What was my thought based on ? Probably the idea that most of horse rider have money and take care of the van where there horses are travelling.
Well it’s probably mostly true but it was expensive, i finally saw one not so far and in my range of price, but the engine was in bad state, it took us 40 minute just to start the engine. From the same year I was born this van didn’t have power steering. Very hard to drive, and smelling so much. I though myself that it was probably not a good idea.
So I started to look for a van like this
My though was that i wouldn’t have trouble with the isolation around the wheel, i would be able to move the container if it’s well kept. The prices were a little higher that what i was looking for, otherwise it was a little too old for me and I would have more space to arrange inside but it would take more time than a simple van.
It was decided it would be something really close to an L2H2. stay KISS for now (Keep it simple and stupid).
And I found this van, it was a cute one, had already lived (288000km) and had alot of maintenance’s bill for the last 10 years;
I though that was a good sign and I said yes.
There was a missunderstood between the seller and me, and while I was going to a little juggling convention near Avignon (France),
I almost did not got the van (which would have been better !), but i finally managed to buy it on a monday evening.
Got the van
After weeks hunting the perfect van, I finally found one. Well we’re far from the perfect, I was tired and really wanted to start. That was not the best idea I’ve ever had.
It’s a Renault Master L2H2, the engine seems in relative good state but i wouldn’t be a bad idea to run a check by a professional.
It was sold with some plank, a bedspring and some multilayer isolation.
The seller already had put the floor and some isolation under.
The sheet metal it’s another story, i didn’t really check well and I didn’t saw all the rust.
The Rust
I’ve discovered the rust hidden under putty and some weird resin.
The weird resin very hard to remove, on the top of the van,
And what a surprise, or not, i discovered under the shitty stuff.
So i started to list what i had to do before being able to work on the inside part:
- i’ve to sand every part that as serious rust on it of:
- the top.
- the side.
- the doors inside/outside.
- put some product for the rust.
- fix the hole with epoxy and glass fiber.
- paint every worked parts.
- change all lock.
- repair the middle door that open with difficulty.
- repair the broken door handle.
- check what is under the floor what isolation and what state is the steel sheets.
See you for day one of work! (Unless you want to see a NOT-TO-DO list)
Bad Idea
There I’ll list few stuff you should keep in mind / do while looking for a van. I don’t pretend that will make you buy the perfect van, neither you won’t do any mistake. But if i can help by sharing my mistakes:
- DO NOT start looking for a van you will work on at the beginning of winter (unless you have a closed place). I’m suffering to work on cold days and i can’t work more than 8h (let’s be honest it’s around 5h in the good day), the sunset is too early and it’s not gonna get better before few months.
- If you can have a covered place to work it make it way easier (you can avoid weather trouble specially if you have rust on your van !).
- Don’t rush. Neither you or the seller should be in a rush. Even if the seller has some important money deadline.
- Try every door yourself. If the seller show you something, do the same manipulation just after him, verify you can do it as well and easily.
- If something on the steel sheets seems weird, grind it with something just a little. you could discover some pretty good shit (soon some picture of a friend’s van).
- check the top of the van. It’s not easy access but find a way to climb and check !
If I find anything new to add to the list I’ll (before the end of the work it might even be a post about what not to do during the whole process of buying and working on the van).