Time Beetween post.
Since my last post on the rust, I’m not very good at keeping the up to date this blog. I’ll try! What happened is, once the rust was removed, i went to holiday with my family, and on the road for few months.
I started working on the isolation in the beginning of march.
March: isolation of the floor
I started on the floor, I thought that was more easy as i could get some level. Let me tell you it won’t be leveled.
I started by putting cork mats of 2mm everywhere, on the floor and on the wheels. I needed to be able to set the floor.
Then I started setup my woods cleat on the floor some are screwed on the floor, other are blocked by pression of the screwed ones.
Once it was done, it took me few days to cut the woods floor at the right size, around the wheels were specially difficult. You can’t see it on these picture but between the wood floor and the cork mats there is an isolation (insert here the name of the isolation). took me around 3 days to do everything. I then setup the lino, with some help to make it easier.
Finally with some rest i started to work on the walls. That was few day before i put my van to the garage for a simple checkup. And from a break, that I didn’t supect to be that long, until May.